TEIS 2024 Program

The presentation schedule is in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Paper presentations will be held in Grand Pacific Ballroom Salon E and F at Seattle Marriott Waterfront.

Friday May 10
1:00-1:30pm Welcome remark: Hemant Bhargava (University of California Davis), Ming Fan (University of Washington), Yong Tan (University of Washington), Mingwen Yang (University of Washington), Xingyue (Luna) Zhang (University of Washington Tacoma)
1:30-2:30pm Juan Feng (Tsinghua University) -- Does AI Make People More Open or Reinforce Bias?---AI recommendation and Confirmation Bias Discussant: Yingda Zhai (National University of Singapore)
2:30-3:30pm Lizhen Xu (Georgia Tech) -- Black-hat or White-hat: Gaming of Recommendation Algorithms under Consumer Awareness and Strategic Reactions Discussant: Shai Vardi (Purdue University)
3:30-4:00pm Coffee break
4:00-5:00pm Andrei Hagiu (Boston University) -- The Emergence of a Platform Trap Discussant: Yifan Dou (Fudan University)
5:00-5:30pm What next for TEIS?

6:00-9:00pm Reception and Dinner at Anthony's
2201 Alaskan Wy, Seattle, WA 98121

Saturday May 11
7:30-8:30am Breakfast buffet
8:30-9:30am Amanda Wang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) -- Platform Badging and Producer Quality Validation Discussant: Amit Mehra (UT Dallas)
9:30-10:30am Jianqing Chen (UT Dallas) -- Economics of Password Sharing Discussant: Min Chen (George Mason University)
10:30-11am Coffee break
11am-12pm Shiva Shekhar (Tilburg University) -- The Bright Side of the GDPR: Welfare-Improving Privacy Management Discussant: Antino Kim (Indiana University)
12-1:30pm Lunch buffet
1:30-2:30pm Ram Chellappa (Emory University) -- Personalization and Privacy: Permission based Information Acquisition in Mobile Apps Discussant: Ian Ho (Tulane University)
2:30-3:30pm Jan Kraemer (University of Passau) -- Interoperability in Digital Markets: Boon or Bane for Market Contestability? Discussant: James Zhang (UT Dallas)
3:30-4:00pm Coffee break
4:00-5:00pm Zhe Zhang (UC San Diego) -- Strategic Contestants, Over-Fitting, and the Role of Data Splits in Data Science Contests Discussant: Hanna Halaburda (New York University)
5:00-5:30pm Short papers

Kitty Wang (University of Houston) -- If Platforms Are Exploiting Producers, Is Platform Competition the Solution?

Seth Benzell (Chapman University) -- Blitzscaling, Enshittificaiton and the Time Endurance of Network Effects

Wei Chen (University of Connecticut) -- The Economics of AI Foundation Models: Transparency, Competition, and Governance

Each long paper has one hour, including the presentation, Q&A, and the discussion. Ideally, we expect 40 minutes for the presentation, followed by 8 minutes for the discussant, and the remaining 12 minutes for Q&A.
Each short paper has 10 minutes including Q&A.