TEIS 2015 Program

We thank the INFORMS Information Systems Society and Long View through the Informatics Research Centre (iRC) for support.

Friday March 13 (Ivor Petrak Room)
5:30–5:45pm Opening Remarks
5:45–6:45pm Roundtable Discussion


Saturday March 14 (Ivor Petrak Room)
8-9am Breakfast (Conservatory)


Dmitry Zhdanov, University of Connecticut. How Much to Share with Third Parties? A Website’s Dilemma and Users’ Privacy Concerns. Discussant:Shivendu Shivendu, University of California, Irvine


Rajiv Dewan, University of Rochester. Choice of Urgent Care By Strategic But Uninformed Patients. Discussant: Srinivasan Raghunathan, University of Texas at Dallas


Coffee Break


Mingdi Xin, University of California, Irvine. IT Investment under Competition: The Role of Implementation Uncertainty. Discussant: Lizhen Xu, Georgia Institute of Technology


Lunch (Conservatory)


DJ Wu, Georgia Tech. Selling or Leasing? Pricing Information Goods with Depreciation of Consumer Valuation Discussant: Wael Jabr, Georgia State University


Jianqing Chen, University of Texas at Dallas. Platform Competition and Compatibility Decisions: The Case of Apple's iPad vs. Amazon's Kindle. Discussant: Rajiv Mukherjee, Southern Methodist University


Coffee Break


Shubho Bandyopadhyay, University of Florida.
Effects of Competition among Internet Service Providers and Content Providers on the Net Neutrality Debate
Discussant: Atanu Lahiri,University of Texas at Dallas
7pm– Dinner (Conservatory)


Sunday March 15 (Ivor Petrak Room)
8–9am Breakfast (Conservatory)
9–10am Hemant Bhargava, University of California, Davis. Does better information lead to lower prices? Price and Advertising Signaling under External Information about Product Quality Discussant: Ke-Wei Huang, National University of Singapore
10–11am Krishnan Anand, University of Utah. IT Outsourcing, Incomplete Contracts and Ethical Free Agency Discussant: Huseyin Cavusoglu, University of Texas at Dallas
11–11:30am Coffee Break
11:30am–12:30pm Hong Guo, University of Notre Dame. Selling Virtual Currency in Digital Games: Implications on Gameplay and Social Welfare Discussant:Joseph Vithayathil, Washington State University
12:30–2pm Lunch (Conservatory)


Monday March 16 (Ivor Petrak Room)
5:30–6:30pm Roundtable Discussion
6:30–6:45pm Closing Remarks